Friday, June 11, 2010

Do Over...............

If you have stumbled onto this blog by accident, (or found one of my randomly placed cards) welcome!

Here is what inspired this blog and my grand plan here forward..... I recently purchased an ebook called " The Unconventioal Guide to Art and Money" written by Chris Guillebeau. Now this guy has got it goin' on. I wandered into his blog about 2 or so months ago, "The Art of Non Conformity" I highly recommend it to any one who wants to step out of thier 9-5 box and live life in a TOTALLY different manner. If you feel trapped, un-fullfilled or just plain bored, visit Chris' blog and see if it can change your mind set.

Oh, the plan! Well, I have been a Clay Artist for about 12 years, mmmmmm clay artist maybe a bit over stated, more like I've been playing with wet dirt and finally got something to stick (no pun intended). This originally started in high school. Art was all I was ever interested in and I took as many art related class that one person can get into and still meet the minimum state requirement to walk across the stage. The next few years are quite I'll come back to this when it gets interesting.

Moving forward to 2009.

Summer 2009 ---- my best play in the mud "bud" Judy, you will probably see reference to her alot since we also work together on our "real" job. Anyhow, we were working one day and perusing the local community college continuing ed classes ad and "Ta Dah" a welding class caught our eyes, well folks, thats all it took, off to welding class we went. The addiction has begun.

And finally, I am a master gardener! I have always assumed this emerged from my childhood where yard work was punishment, remember those days? Mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, picking up those dumb - - - sticker covered hickory balls, you know, the ones you step on in your bare feet and you can't cuss because there is an adult within ear shot! So, I think I succumbed to the torture and turned into pleasure. Yes, I know it makes no sense, but its all I've got.

Oh, yeah the plan.... well I would like to take all three of these obsessions if you will and turn them into full time life support, I hate to use the term career, work or job those words are so over used. Life support may not be a keen word either, I may come up with a new term soon, I'll get back with you on that.

So, today will be my first step in a new direction. I have to get back to reading my ebook and see what Chris recommends I do next....STAY TUNED.


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